Fabric Planter - well-crafted design from France


Simple & Lightweight

來自法國的好設計,實用與美感兼具,讓人難以不一眼愛上。BACSAC 背後的驅動力是為了提供簡單、輕便的方式,鼓勵都市居民成為城市園丁。尤其是在都市生活中,渴望且需要綠色大自然的人們,BACSAC 的植栽袋系列專為戶外設計,但當然也可以在室內使用,只需在下方放置托盤以收集多餘的水分。植栽袋所使用的多孔材料,能有效排水,防止根部腐爛。

BACSAC's French design combines practicality with aesthetics, creating instant appeal. It offers a lightweight solution to inspire urban residents to embrace gardening. Designed primarily for outdoor use, BACSAC’s planter bags also work indoors with a tray to catch excess water. The porous material ensures proper drainage and prevents root rot, making them perfect for city dwellers seeking a touch of nature.



BACSAC 圓型植栽袋適合種植您所有的植物,方便且環保。圓型植栽袋是 BACSAC 的第一個產品系列,至今仍是經典之作。它們可以承受超過十年的戶外條件,且所用的材料完全可回收。容量從 3L 到 100L,不同尺寸皆有,使用多層可回收織物,讓土壤呼吸、水分流出,同時防撕裂。只需在植栽袋中裝滿土壤,種入您心愛的植物即可!袋內是親水蠶絲材料,能作為土壤和根部的保護層。您可以在陽台種花、在窗台種香草、在露台上種大樹……天馬行空,隨心所欲!

BACSAC’s round planter bags are ideal for all your plants—both convenient and eco-friendly. As BACSAC’s first product line, they remain a classic, enduring over a decade of outdoor use. Made entirely from recyclable materials, they come in sizes from 3L to 100L and feature multi-layered fabric that allows soil to breathe and water to drain while resisting tears. Just fill the bag with soil, plant your greenery, and enjoy! The hydrophilic silk lining protects the soil and roots, making them perfect for balconies, windowsills, or terraces.

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