Green touches for your daily scenes.

在快速發展的城市裡,了解到在繁忙中尋找平衡的必要性,mrs. inoue 期待透過在大至城市、小至房間的一隅種下綠意,為人們的心靈提供來自大自然的溫柔。mrs. inoue 相信,通過感受自然的陰晴圓缺、觀照內心的起伏脈動,真實的平靜將常伴身側。

In a city that never sleeps, finding moments of serenity can feel like a distant dream. Yet, mrs. inoue believes that even amidst the hustle, tranquility is within reach. By introducing verdant havens, whether in bustling urban landscapes or the quiet corners of your home, she brings the gentle touch of nature closer to you.


Hand-Crafted Greenery

深耕於園藝與植栽多年,mrs. inoue 擅長以深厚的知識與細膩的養護,迸發出植物充滿生命力的姿態。結合主理人 Ivy 獨到的品味與生活哲學,品牌期待透過植物與選品,將這份對於美與生命的深刻理解分享給人們。

With a wealth of gardening expertise and a delicate touch, mrs. inoue breathes life into every plant. Together with Ivy’s distinctive taste and life philosophy, she crafts a brand that celebrates the deep connection between beauty and life. Embrace the natural rhythms and find peace within.


Plant Curation

在空間中妝點綠意,既是生活的浪漫、也是心靈的舒緩。深諳人們在面對偌大的空間時,難免會感到無所適從,因此 mrs. inoue 便推出了植栽佈置的服務,因著熱切地喜愛植物、想與人們分享的心,mrs. inoue 希望能幫助人們找到挑選植物或器皿的切入點,使空間得到更好的運用之餘,也為空間主理人找到最合適的植物養護方式。

Incorporating greenery into a space is not just a gesture of romantic living, but also a balm for the soul. Understanding that vast spaces can often leave one feeling overwhelmed, mrs. inoue introduced her plant styling services. Driven by a deep love for plants and a desire to share that passion, mrs. inoue aspires to guide individuals in selecting the perfect plants and vessels. This not only enhances the utilization of space but also helps caretakers discover the most suitable ways to nurture their plants.

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Tue.-Sat. 14:00-18:00

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