Craftsmanship Quality
來自德國的園藝品牌 SPANG,原料取自於韋斯瓦爾德地區,這裡開採了一些世界上最好的陶瓷黏土,為 SPANG 工藝般的品質打下了堅實基礎。當地的黏土未經處理,不含任何污染物,經過多階段的加工,最終成為均勻且有延展性的材料,並被製成各種精美的盆器。恆溫燒製使 SPANG 的陶瓷結實耐用,表面光滑無氣孔且抗霜凍,透氣性和耐用度皆十分優秀。
The German horticultural brand SPANG sources its materials from the Westerwald region, renowned for some of the world's finest ceramic clays. This precious resource lays the foundation for SPANG's craftsmanship and exceptional quality. The local clay is unprocessed, free of any pollutants, and undergoes multiple stages of refinement to become a uniform and pliable material, which is then crafted into various exquisite planters. The clay is fired at consistent temperatures, resulting in durable ceramics with smooth, non-porous surfaces that are frost-resistant, offering excellent breathability and longevity.

Harmoniously Integrated
SPANG 的產品包括玄武岩紋和花崗岩紋的盆器,這些簡單樸素的中性色系,不僅能完美襯托植物的美,還能隨性融入不同材質和風格的裝飾中。隨著使用時間的推移,這些盆器將表現出古董風味的底蘊,和諧地融入你的家居陳列。
SPANG's product range includes planters with basalt and granite textures, featuring simple and understated neutral tones that perfectly complement the beauty of plants. These planters seamlessly blend with different materials and decorative styles. Over time, they develop an antique patina, harmoniously integrating into your home decor.